Saturday 26 June 2010

All Souls RC Church, Collingwood Street

(Image ©LRO)
(©2020 Pete Ryan) This is All Souls RC church in Collingwood Street, Liverpool. It was built in 1876 and was used as a mortuary. It was demolished in 1967 to make way for the Kingsway Tunnel. Just to the right of the picture is All Souls primary school and the small building to the left of the church is the priest's house. ©2020 Pete Ryan
Here is an excerpt from an 1810 book by Thomas Burke entitled Catholic History of Liverpool:
 As far back as the early fifties the Medical Officer of Health had suggested the provision of a mortuary chapel on moral and sanitary grounds. The epidemic of 1865 induced a Protestant gentleman, named Robert Hutchinson, to make the generous offer of providing such a chapel in a poor Catholic neighbourhood. The first stone of All Souls, Collingwood Street, was laid on December llth, 1866, but after contributing 2,825, the generous donor became involved in serious- financial complications and the work was stopped. Some time later a special subscription was made to complete the work, to which the Earl of Derby, Mr. William Rathbone, Mr. S. G. Rathbone, Messrs. Lamport and Holt, and D. and C. Maciver contributed one hundred pounds each. This timely assistance enabled the Catholic authorities to complete the church, which was opened by the Vicar-General, Dr. Fisher, on St. Patrick s day, 1872. Father T. Hogan was appointed Rector.


  1. I served as an alter boy from 1957 father Doyle was the parish priest, I used to keep warm in the bus sheds opposite till father Doyle opened the church for early mass

  2. my mam went to All Souls school and when she died in 92 the priest who took the service was working in All Souls so that was really nice

  3. Went to school there in 1944 father Doyle was the parish priest my name is Larry Short

  4. I was an alter boy there with father Doyle moynihan and orielly. I also went to all souls school and my teachers were Mrs Fleming and the nuns who were horrible. Mrs Fleming protected us from the nuns. She was a saint

    1. MY Dad went to All Souls Peter Ryan , 51 Rachel Street. His mother was Sarah Ryan, daughter of the Queen of Lawrence Gardens. He was born in 1936

  5. I went to all souls and was an alter boy.father Doyle orielly and moynihan were priests there and lovely people.mrs Henry and Mrs Fleming were our teachers in primary school and protected us from the nuns. Later on we had teachers like Mr hampson who tried his best to help us get on. Then there was Mr Hayes an absolute animal who just wanted to beat up on us kids. Ah well different times.

    1. Hello, I was an alter boy at All Souls too, in the 1960s, with Fr O'Reilly. My great grandmother, Jane O'Donnell, was devout and attended All Souls every day, sometimes twice a day. It was she who had a word with Fr O'Reilly for me to become an alter boy and also one of the teachers, Miss Hennessy. There were two Mrs Hennessys. I remember the nuns being awful and were handy with the cane. I also remember Mrs Henry and Mrs Fleming. Mrs Fleming's class was first year infants and whenever she left the room we would all have a go on the big slide. Different times but fun times too...

    2. Hi there , I must have been on the Altar with you Pete. Vin Kelly - part of the Westhoff's from Roscommon Street. was born in 1955

      I remember chalk and little blackboards, as well as Mrs hennessy

  6. My mum and her family all went to All Souls they lived in Rachel St then 16b Virgil St. Their family name was Collins my mum and dad were married here.

    1. I lived with my Nanny and Grandad at 16a Virgil Street. I played out with Stephen and think it was Barry, and also I think there was a Lynn. I remember playing on the stairs on the block and in the backy. There was also another lad who lived on the ground floor called Joe Sweeney



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