Saturday 26 June 2010

Rachel Street Day Out 1947

(©2020 Pete Ryan) This is a day out for the residents of Rachel and Dryden streets in 1947.  I am told that it was an annual 'charabanc'  outing for families in Rachel/Dryden streets.  My uncle remembers the luxurious seating on the coach and the heady smell of orange peel and chocolate with a hint of cigar smoke.  Do you know anyone on the photograph?
With the help of my auntie I have been able to put a name to some of the happy faces posing for the box camera .  Back row from L to R: Lily Tomkins, Joan Westhoff, George Pratt Jr., unknown, Christy Mylett, unknown, Larry Sinnott.  Second row L to R: Kathleen Sinnott, unknown, Bobby Banks, Mrs McNally, unknown, unknown.  Third row L to R: Lizzy Bennett, Mrs Sinnott, Katie Pratt, Mr Pratt Sr., Alice Pratt, Mrs Broadhurst, Mrs Powell, unknown.  Fourth row L to R: Mrs Philburn, Mrs Parle, *Sarah Ryan with Bernadette Ryan on lap, Mrs Pratt Sr., Mrs Gorman, **Ellen Bains with Kevin Bains on lap, Maureen Cummings with her mother Emily Cummings.  Front row L to R: Bobby Parle, Chris Sinnott, Larry Sinnott.  (©2020 Pete Ryan)

*Sarah Ryan and Bernadette Ryan are the daughter and granddaughter of William and Jane O'Donnell. ©2020 Pete Ryan
**Ellen Bains is the great grandmother of Everton FC player Leighton Bains.

1 comment:

  1. unknown between Kathleen Sinnott and Bobby Banks is Tommy Rowan, next to Mrs McNally is Peter Rowan then Teddy Woods



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