Monday 5 July 2010

Visitors From Down Under 1975

©2020 Pete Ryan I came across an old Bootle Times newspaper clipping from 35 years ago about the homecoming visit of Peter Ryan and his pal Fred Dixon.

It was a double celebration in Abingdon Road, Walton, last week with the arrival from Australia of two ex-Scousers who left Liverpool 30 years ago.  Peter Ryan and Fred Dixon, with their Australian wives Sarah and Grace, arrived in England for a six-week stay. 
They are staying at Mr Ryan's brother's house at Abingdon Road.  Peter and Fred are both from Sydney and are both members of the Returned Servicemen's League which is made up of men from the armed forces who decided to stay in Australia after the war.  Scotland Road was the original home of Peter Ryan, and Fred Dixon hailed from Litherland.  Both men agreed that there was more opportunity in Australia but they did get homesick for their families and that prompted the two men to make the 14,000 mile trip back to Liverpool.
 Original (c) Bootle Times 17 July 1975
Both Peter Ryan and Fred Dixon have now passed on.  Peter Ryan's wife, Sarah, is alive and well and still lives in Sydney. ©2020 Pete Ryan
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